Bridging the Gap: My Journey, Design? Development? Marketing?
Everyone has a starting point. For me, it was messing around with a CD-ROM at nine years old.
My first experience with computers was messing around on my sister’s ancient Windows 95. No high-speed internet, just simple gaming magazines with CD-ROMs. They introduced me to tech, and I was hooked.
Moving into my teenage years, I transitioned into a new passion: design. My uniquely crafted online forum profile caught attention, and soon, people were seeking my advice on design. This hobby started to feel more like a potential career path.
Then came a freelance project that shook things up: a logo job that turned into a full-on UI/UX project. The client asked, “Can you also code this?” And bam! It hit me. Why not take my designs to the next level and bring them to life?
This realization led me to pursue a Computer Science degree and, later, further my education with a focus on marketing. Nowadays, my skill set is multifaceted: I can sketch out ideas, code them into existence, and, thanks to my marketing background, understand the complete lifecycle of a tech project.
Reflecting on my journey, it’s remarkable to see the distance I’ve traveled—from a kid enamored with a CD-ROM to a seasoned professional in technology. But I recognize that this is merely the starting line; I look forward to the new challenges and opportunities ahead.
As for that old gaming CD-ROM, it’s more than just a keepsake collecting dust. It’s a symbol of my initial foray into a world that would ultimately shape who I am today.